Chris "kinki bone" Cook is one of those guys who knows everybody. He's been involved with many, many musically related projects in Sacto. over the years. He DJ'd house/techno/industrial music in the eighties and early nineties. He played Trombone for Pounded Clown for over six years. And he's been one of the Fabulous Bone Brothers for Falconi for almost as long.

True facts about Chris Cook:

He is that Holy Grail of rarities in the music industry:
Someone you can trust!
  • He is an excellent Golfer.
  • He is an excellent dancer.
  • He is quite the ladies man.
  • He is known for his "fairness" factor.

I'm trying to think of something neggo to balance these good traits, but I can't do it.

He's just that kind of guy...


