Felicia Underwood is a relative newcomer to the Orchestra. She plays the Tenor sax, but as a music major at Sacramento State University, she specializes in the Clarinet. Besides doing that whole CSUS music thing (Orchestra, Jazz, Wind ensembles), she is known to have played with the Horny Mormons for three years, under the assumed name, "Syphillis Peckerwood". She also has been spotted on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, tootin' her Clarinet.

Other Vitals include:

  • She is Lee Greenwood's love child.
  • Her mother was a hippie.
  • She can work on her own car.
  • Her Clarinet is worth more than her car.
  • She writes poetry.
  • She paints.
  • She leads a 7 piece jazz group called, "Crushed Red Pepper".
  • She does that horseback riding competition stuff.

Damn, this girl is talented!


