If the Dutch Falconi Orchestra has a soul ( no, not Dutch... the Orchestra), then it surely resides in the body of Gene "Gizmo" Avery. Musician, composer, scholar, poet, novelist, and all around good guy, Gene has been with Dutch since the very beginning. Hell, they go back to even before the beginning, before the Big Band, when Dutch was "lil' dutch", learning his chops in the
Nebulous Stucco Thing.
Gizmo cowrote with Dutch or wrote alone many of Falconi's finest songs, including The Shoes of Despair, Tortuga, Icicle World, Infant Dalmations and the crowd favorite, "Freeway Ghost Rider". The Sacramento musical community did the right thing when they honored him at the Sammies for being Jazz Musician of the Year - 1993.

By all means,
Check out some of Gene's work!
(my personal fav is Go Man Go part 2)

Stories by Gene Avery

Some more personal stuff:

  • Gene has written nine large volumes about his life.
  • It's titled, The Mythe of Ammetrius. Vol. I is known as How to Lose a Girlfriend on $1.98.
  • He sometimes goes by the name, "Rane Bardfold", among others.
  • In 1953, Gene claims to have met an invisible being who was a group leader of invisible angels. He walked with Gene on Sunshine Sidewalks and told him, "Call me Captain."
  • Gene has reportedly never dropped acid.
  • But he claims to be a schizo paranoid, "like all the other artists in the world."

Gene's Hotlist includes:
The William Burroughs Files
Alive and Free - a good collection of modern literature and novels for downloading.
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson


